Fullerton Health’s Appreciation Dinner was held on Monday, 1 August at SKAI Suites, Swissotel The Stamford, to appreciate and recognise the many people who have served at all of Fullerton Group’s COVID-19 projects over the last two years. The theme of the event – “Together, Overcoming the Storm” – truly represented the passion and zeal of our people who played a pivotal role in FHG’s concerted effort in fighting the pandemic.

More than 200 people were at the event, all frontliners, nurses and volunteers including members of our Senior Leadership Team, as well as FHG’s key partners. Gracing the event were Mr Dinesh Vasu Dash, Group Director (Crisis Strategy and Operations Group), Ministry of Health and Mr Tung Yui Fai, Chief, ACE Group, Ministry of Manpower.

Left to Right: Mr Dinesh Vasu Dash, Group Director (Crisis Strategy and Operations Group), Ministry of Health, Mr Tung Yui Fai Chief, ACE Group, Ministry of Manpower
Attendees from different organisations and departments reconnected over a scrumptious array of Singapore themed dishes as they let their hair down and enjoyed the night away.

The highlight of the night was a montage video, which brought everyone on a trip down memory lane. It highlighted our people’s tireless and exemplary efforts over the past two years – documented in FHG’s recent publication titled ‘The Mighty Storm, Fullerton Health Group Rises to the Challenge’. The book chronicles and shares insights and reflections of individuals who have been a part of FHG’s COVID-19 journey and highlights the pivotal role of FHG in the Healthcare system.

Appreciation plaques were also presented to Mr Dinesh, Mr Tung and Mr Marcus Hanna (Managing Director, Fairmont Singapore and Swissôtel The Stamford). The plaques conveyed our profound appreciation and recognition for their professionalism, dedication and contributions in support of FHG’s COVID-19 response programmes.

From Left to Right: GCEO Mr Ho Kuen Loon presenting the appreciation plaque to Mr Dinesh Vasu Dash, Dr Walter Lim, Deputy Country Managing Director of FHG, presenting the appreciation plaque to Mr Marcus Hanna, GCEO Mr Ho Kuen Loon presenting the appreciation plaque to Mr Tung Yui Fai
FHG looks forward to the continued support of our staff and partners as we strive hand-in-hand towards the better health for all in Singapore!