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Are You at Risk? Recognising the Silent Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

Are You at Risk? Recognising the Silent Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer 

Are You at Risk? Recognising the Silent Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among both men and women in Singapore.1 The early stages of colorectal cancer can be elusive, often presenting with little to no symptoms. This highlights the importance of awareness, early detection, and regular screening. This Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we dive deeper into the diagnosis, identifying its subtle warning signs, and exploring the proactive measures you can take to safeguard your health.

Image from American Gastroenterological Association
Image from American Gastroenterological Association

Understanding Colorectal Cancer

The journey to cancer often begins with the formation of small, benign clumps of cells known as polyps. Over time, some of these polyps may become cancerous. Because the initial stages of this transformation are typically symptom-free, many people remain unaware of any underlying issues until the disease is advanced.

Colorectal cancer has several known risk factors:

  • Age: The risk increases significantly after the age of 50.
  • Personal/family History: A personal and/or family history of colorectal cancer or polyps can increase the risk.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Diets high in red and processed meats, sedentary habits, obesity, smoking, and heavy alcohol consumption have all been linked to increased risk.
  • Other Conditions: Chronic inflammatory conditions of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, also contribute to the risk.

Understanding these elements not only helps in recognising who might be more vulnerable but also underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and routine screening for early detection.

Worrisome symptoms to look out for

Even though early-stage colorectal cancer might be asymptomatic, there are several subtle signs that warrant attention. Recognising these can be the first step toward early intervention:

  • Altered Bowel Habits: Noticeable changes in bowel habit such as persistent diarrhea, constipation, or variations in stool consistency that last several weeks
  • Rectal Bleeding: The presence of blood in the stool, on toilet paper or rectal bleeding—whether bright red or dark—should never be ignored.
  • Abdominal Discomfort: Frequent episodes of gas pains, bloating, cramps, or a general sense of abdominal fullness might be signals from your body.
  • Incomplete Evacuation: A lingering feeling that the bowel doesn’t empty completely even after a bowel movement can be concerning.
  • Unexpected Weight Loss: Losing weight without any changes in diet or exercise routines is a red flag that requires medical evaluation.

The Importance of Regular Screening

Due to the often-silent nature of early colorectal cancer, regular screening is essential, even in the absence of symptoms. Screening tests are designed to detect precancerous polyps or cancer at an early, more treatable stage. Two common screening methods include:

  • Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): This non-invasive test detects hidden blood in the stool, an early indicator of potential colorectal issues.
  • Colonoscopy: A more detailed examination, colonoscopy allows direct visualisation of the colon and rectum and can facilitate the removal of polyps during the procedure.

In Singapore, the Health Promotion Board recommends that individuals aged 50 and above undergo routine colorectal cancer screening. For those with additional risk factors, earlier or more frequent testing may be advised. 

Take Charge of Your Health

Awareness is the first step toward prevention. Recognising even the most subtle symptoms and understanding the importance of early screening can empower you to act before a potential health crisis escalates. Here’s what you can do:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on the risk factors and signs of colorectal cancer.
  • Schedule Regular Screenings: Don’t wait for symptoms to appear—schedule your screening if you’re 50 or older, or sooner if you have risk factors.
  • Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle: Incorporate a balanced diet rich in fiber, maintain a healthy weight, engage in regular physical activity, and limit smoking and alcohol intake.
  • Encourage Others: Share this information with family and friends to spread awareness and help others take preventive steps.

Healthier SG Initiative: Supporting Preventive Care

As part of the government’s effort to promote regular health checkups and encourage preventive care, Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents aged 50 and above enrolled in Healthier SG can benefit from free/ subsidised colorectal cancer screening (FIT test) when referred by their clinic. This initiative not only aims to increase participation in routine health check-ups but also strives to reduce the overall burden of colorectal cancer through early detection and treatment.

If you have not enrolled into Healthier SG, 
enrol with us today or speak to your Fullerton Health GP to enjoy the benefits!

For more information regarding Healthier SG, visit: 

By taking these measures, you not only protect your own health but also contribute to a community-wide effort against colorectal cancer. 


  1. National Registry of Diseases Office (2022). Singapore Cancer Registry Annual Report 2022. National Registry of Diseases Office. Available at: 
  2. Health Hub (2023). Colorectal Cancer. Health Hub. Available at: