
Our Approach

Through campaigning for change and collaborating with charities, the private sector, and government entities, we aspire to build capacity in healthcare and education in Asia.

Supported by grant giving to non-profit organizations and committing in-kind resources, we are able to leverage the competencies developed through Fullerton Health’s network management services business, and bring healthcare to the doorstep of the underprivileged.

Project Highlights

“We strongly believe in doing well and doing good, by giving back to the communities in which we were nurtured in and where we now operate.”

Ending Workplace TB
Sep 2021

Ending Workplace TB

Programmes & Projects Ending Workplace TB Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s deadliest infectious disease –killing 1.5 million people in 2018, more than HIV/AIDS and malaria deaths combined. Of the 10 million new cases of TB, only 7 million were diagnosed, meaning that 3 million people with TB each year go unaccounted for. Many of these […]
Zero TB
Sep 2021

Zero TB

Programmes & Projects Zero TB We have partnered with local stakeholders, such as Yogyakarta City Government and Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office in a pilot programme called ZeroTB Yogyakarta in 2019, to screen adults and children boarding schools. A total of 900 screenings and 865 X-rays were completed.
World TB Day
Sep 2021

World TB Day

Programmes & Projects World TB Day 2020 To commemorate World TB Day and as part of Fullerton Health’s “Ending Workplace TB” initiative launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020, Fullerton Health Indonesia started a TB-screening program on 9-20 March 2020 for all employees based in Jakarta. This screening aimed to assist government […]